Breakup is one of the most painful events in our lives. Many people become desperate and frustrated after the breakup and lose their confidence. Many People commit mistakes by trying to fix the relationship.
People often try to become submissive and fix things up. It is a completely wrong approach because it not only snatches your freedom in the relationship but also diminishes the respect your partner once had for you.

In most cases, these fixed relationships cannot last longer because respect and attraction somehow are not present in the relationship anymore.
This article discusses tips that force your ex-partner to be crazy about you and chase you madly after your breakup. Let’s dive in:
14 Tips To Make Your Ex-Girlfriend Chase You After Breakup:
In order to make your ex-partner crazy about you even after your breakup, you need to follow a few rules strictly and focus on improving yourself.
Cut Contact Completely For A Few Weeks or Months:
Missing someone always pushes you to think about more which eventually increases the attraction to that person. It is difficult to cut all the connections with your loved ones for a while but going away for a month or two can be a nice trick to create some feelings into your ex-partner’s heart.
Stop talking to your ex-partner is not enough, prevent yourself from talking about her with her friends or mutual friends. Unfollow your ex on social media to detox yourself from your partner digitally.
Avoid blocking your ex-partner on social media, otherwise your ex may not understand or realize your improvements. Your ignorance about your ex will make her feel jealous and with time she will start to become addicted to you.
Keep In Regular Contact With Mutual Friends:
Maintaining a healthy and regular connection with mutual friends is one of the best ways to show your prosperity to your ex and make her jealous. It’s normal to feel guilty while talking or chatting with mutual friends after a breakup, but with time you can overcome such issues.
Follow mutual friends on social media, chat with them, ask for hanging out, and ask them to post those images of hanging out on social media. It will help your ex find you on the news feeds and start following you.
If you reach your ex somehow through the news feeds, you have already won half of the battle. You just need to prepare yourself to look attractive, confident, and wiser while you meet mutual friends and click images.
Post Images Of You Are Enjoying:
Pretending to be happy and having fun on social media will make your ex curious about how you can be so happy without her. Such jealousy will create an attraction towards you.
Women usually prefer to date a guy who is happy, fulfilled, and full of a sense of humor. Showing you are happy without her and enjoying your life, will create an invisible connection and she will become addictive for you.
Capture those moments when you are feeling happy such as while hanging out with friends, pursuing your hobbies, and doing charities as these moments show your confidence. Women love confident guys.
Stay Confident When You Meet Her:
It’s normal when you meet your ex suddenly, some kind of hesitation and inferiority complex work in your mind. Such thoughts and emotions not only hurt your attitude but also make your ex believe that you are not happy without that person.
To counter such issues, prepare yourself from day one of a breakup, whenever you meet your ex, you’ll stay confident, smile, warmly shake her hand, and behave like a gentleman. When you show your ex that breaking up with her is not a big deal for you, this will make her crazy about you.
I know this sounds toxic but such reverse psychology pushes her to think why aren’t you chasing her after the breakup? Have you found someone better than her? Or isn’t she important to you anymore?
In such situations, talk to your ex if she approaches you first but remember don’t give her too much unnecessary attention. Don’t ignore her completely, but make her believe that you also want to talk moderately if she shows interest.
Contact Her Normally After The Ice Breaks:
After the breakup, there is often a period when no partner talks to each other. It is because of the anger, sadness, and misunderstandings that exist between them.
With time the ice breaks and ex-partners show interest in talking to each other. During this time if you think you need to talk to your ex-partner again, you may message her such as “Hello, how is it going? It’s been a long time since I found you on social media. ”
You might feel very emotional while talking to your ex after a long time but hold your emotions and talk to her with calmness. Showing her no special emotions will make her wonder if you still love her.
Keep Chatting Short And Precise:
Girls prefer a man who has a strong voice. You can achieve a strong voice if you practice speaking effectively. In most studies, it has been found that a person who talks a lot often uses unnecessary words that decline his voice.
If you keep your interaction with your ex short and precise, you can avoid giving her unnecessary attention that will ignite her craving for your attention.
Try interacting and chatting for a while then suddenly leave the conversation with an excuse such as “It was nice talking to you but I have to go to the market right now”. Your exclusion from the conversation will give her a challenge to attain your attention again.
Prepare Yourself To Look The Best:
Girls always prefer a guy who is at his best physically and mentally. Hence, it is your duty to prepare yourself to present your best to your ex whenever you meet her, either accidentally or intentionally.
Wear an attractive outfit that suits you with matching shoes, use nice perfumes, and also try to keep a smile to look confident. If you feel confident internally, it’ll be easier for you to win your ex’s heart again.

Pursue Your Hobbies:
After a breakup, most people get depressed and forget to pursue those hobbies or interests that make them happier. Due to depression, people lose their focus and it affects them heavily at their workplaces or studies.
During your difficult days, it is highly advised to practice your hobbies and interests to help you divert your mind from sorrows. Such hobbies also make you wise and confident in whatever you do.
Pursuing hobbies may not help you attract your ex-partner directly, but those hobbies may significantly impact you and make you more presentable and attractive to your ex-partner.
Do Something Unique:
Your ex probably lost interest in you because she thinks she already knew everything about you. You are like a book that your girlfriend has already read multiple times, hence it is your task to surprise her with some unexpected moves.
In such a scenario, you may try different activities that you haven’t tried before or something she doesn’t expect you ever to try. Some of the creative ideas you can try to surprise your ex are playing new instruments, going to celebrity events, hosting a party, having a new pet, painting some amazing drawings, or singing her favorite song.
Such unexpected activities will create a sensation and curiosity in her mind again that she hasn’t explored you completely. She may watch your activities and return to you to learn more about your secret talents.
Analyze The Cause Of Separation And Fix Them:
There must be some reasons that led to a breakup with your ex previously. Your ex might hesitate to return to you because she believes you are still the same and you can hurt her again for those mistakes you have made previously.
Analyze your previous relationship and understand the exact issues that caused your ex to separate from you. After you figure out all the problems, prepare yourself mentally and physically to avoid the same mistake in the future.
If your ex ever finds you in the future, make sure you present yourself as improved and mature to her. She must feel assured that you have corrected yourself and that history will not repeat itself.
Start Exercising:
Many people claim that physical appearance doesn’t matter in a relationship but it is a myth. Physical appearance often reflects the personality and confidence of individuals and it attracts other people.
Exercise and a well-maintained body can boost the confidence of anyone and it reflects in everything you do. If you are confident enough about yourself, it might attract your ex back to you because now she believes you are strong enough to fulfill your responsibilities in the relationship.
Focus On Self-Development:
Women prefer a partner who is more focused on their self-development (spiritually, psychologically, and professionally) than a person who is clueless about their life and career.
Hence in order to attract your ex again, find out your weaknesses and work on them, ensure you perform at your best, and look at those goals that are really important to you.
Self-improvement will lead you to better social and financial status in the society that every woman dreams in her partner. Making new friends, taking part in various events, doing some charity work, etc can help you improve yourself.
Don’t Let Her Forget About You:
Sometimes breakups can be violent and toxic and your partner may not show interest in returning or thinking about you again. In such a scenario, you need to poke her on social media, messages, or wherever you can to show her you are still there.
It really sounds stupid but it works. When you give a hint to your ex about your existence, work, and improvement, it’ll push her at least once to look at you again. If she finds you have changed and become more attractive, there is a high probability she will return to you again.
Inform Her About Your Feelings:
We don’t recommend you try this in the first place because it’ll make you her subordinate. Once you have tried all the previous tips, then you can try it as a last resort.
If you can convey your feelings to your ex and accept your faults, there may be a chance that your ex reconsider you again and think of returning. Help her to remember those romantic evenings that you both spent together and tell her you want those evenings back.
If she feels truthfulness in you and your desire to get her back, she might give you one last chance to run it back. If you have previously analyzed your relationships and conflicts, we hope you won’t make the same mistakes again.
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